Webinar Videos


The Worksheet videos for 2017 will be published in advance of each webinar.

Subtitles are also added to each worksheet video shortly after initial posting. To enable subtitles (Closed Caption) click CC at the foot of each video.

The Worksheets are the first of the three deliverables required from semifinalists. (The other two are the executive summary and your investor presentation).



Videos 9 & 10: Executive Summary and Investor Presentation (Webinars 13A/13B)

Below are the background videos on the Executive Summary and Investor Presentation that relate to session 13 on Thursday, August 17th, 2017.





Video 8: Sustainability (For Webinars 12A & 12B)

Please watch the video below before the webinar on Wednesday, 16 August, 2017.




Video 7: Team (For Webinars 10A & 10B)

In preparation, please watch the seventh video before the webinar on Thursday August 10th 2017.



Video 6: Legal – An Introduction (For Webinars 8A/8B & 9A/9B)

In preparation, please watch the sixth video before the webinar on Wednesday August 2nd, 2017.





Video 5: Finances and Funding (For Webinars 6A/6B & 7A/7B)

In preparation, please watch the fifth video (finances and funding) before the webinar on Wednesday 26th July 2017

Additional Notes

to create a single pdf (even if you have multiple tabs) in Excel:

Windows: Save As …, select ‘Format’ PDF, select ‘Options’, then select ‘Entire Workbook’ – this will create a pdf for all your tabs.

Mac: Print, then select ‘Entire Workbook’ and print to pdf.




Video 4: Product/Technology Validation (For webinars 5A & 5B)





Video 3: Market(s) and Getting to Them (For webinars 4A & 4B)

Please watch the third video before the webinar on Wednesday 19th July 2017.



Market(s) and Getting to Them



Video 2: Product/Market Fit (for Webinar 3A/3B)

Please watch the second video before webinar 3A/3B on Thursday 13 July 2017.



Product/Market Fit (Customer Discovery)

• Brainstorm several possible customer segments or industries including the “long shots” with potential customers in those segments. Test those segments to see if they have the problem your product/technology addresses. Ideally you’re looking for your first million-dollars in revenue within a year.

• You have completed this worksheet once you have concisely and completely answered the questions below for your validated subsegment.

o Specify the validated market subsegment you have identified, in which the customers buy similar products, have a similar sales cycle, look for a similar value proposition and reference each other.

o Identify specifically the pain your technology addresses/problem it solves: a monetizable, “shark bite”, “hair on fire” pain or problem validated by your interviews.

o In your value proposition, describe your product briefly and how it addresses that pain or problem, excites the customer, taps an urgent need and will have a big impact on their business. Quantify the impact, if possible. (This value proposition should get prospective customers to return your cold call).

o Describe the minimum feature set that your customer has clearly indicated in interviews they want more than other features. What will they pay for this Minimum Viable Product as the first release?

o What’s your revenue model? Will you (a) sell a product or service or lease or (b) sell subscriptions or (c) license the technology or product.

o How will you price the product? Does your pricing model take into account competitive pricing, manufacturing costs, product value and “how much the market will bear”?

o Are you creating a new market, or have you found a niche in an existing market that you can dominate? If you’re in a well-established market, what is your competitive advantage in your subsegment that drives a customer’s purchase decision and against entrenched competitors or suppliers of an alternative solution?

o Estimate the size of your target customer subsegment (NOT THE TAM OR SAM) and calculate the $ size of that segment, using your validated revenue model and pricing structure.

o Provide some evidence or insights that show whether or not your target subsegment represents your first million-dollar market within a year?

o If you win this subsegment, describe how you can leverage it to enter adjacent markets with only slight modification to the product or your sales strategy.

o Show you thoroughly understand your customer end users, their persona, how they will use your product.

o In the target segment, have you sold “earlyvangelists” who have bought into your vision and provide references/testimonials, or pilot customers who will collaborate with you to define the Minimum Viable Product.



Video 1: A Recap of the Business Model Canvas & An Introduction to Validation(For Webinar 2A/2B)

Please watch this video before webinar 2A/2B on Wednesday 12th July 2017.



Business Model Canvas

* Use the customer relationships section to record the potential size of your initial market subsegment, the ‘tenth’ section of the Business Model Canvas.

Business Model Canvas Judging Criteria